

Calm ~ Cool ~ Collected

Pantry Organization

Streamline Your Pantry

Are you struggling to find what you need in your pantry? Our pantry organization service will maximize your space, creating a functional and clutter-free environment. We'll help you sort, categorize, and arrange your items for easy access, making meal preparation a breeze. No more expired food or forgotten ingredients - get ready to enjoy a pantry that's both beautiful and practical.

  • Save time and reduce stress by knowing exactly where everything is
  • Enjoy a visually appealing pantry that enhances your kitchen's aesthetic
  • Reduce food waste by keeping track of expiration dates and inventory

Closet Organization

Transform Your Closets

It's time to take control of your closets and create a space that truly works for you. Our closet organization service will help you discover the full potential of your storage areas, with custom organization systems tailored to your needs. We'll assist you in sorting, purging, and organizing your clothing and accessories. Say goodbye to cluttered closets and hello to a wardrobe that brings you joy.

  • Save time getting dressed with a well-organized closet
  • Maximize your storage space to accommodate all your belongings
  • Create a visually pleasing closet that reflects your personal style

Living Spaces & Garage Organization

Revitalize Your Living Spaces & Garage

Cluttered living spaces and garages can cause stress and make it difficult to relax in your own home. Our living spaces and garage organization service will help you declutter, sort, and arrange your items for increased efficiency and comfort. We'll work with you to create tailored solutions that fit your lifestyle and make the most of your available space. Experience renewed joy in your home with organized living spaces and garages.

  • Improve the functionality and comfort of your living spaces and garage
  • Increase the value of your home with well-organized spaces
  • Enjoy a clutter-free environment that promotes relaxation and well-being


New Home Set Up

At Simply Sorted, we LOVE to help people set up kitchens/offices/closets etc... in their new homes. If you are moving and want to set your new home up for success from the start, please reach out! Moving into a new space is the perfect opportunity to establish new systems and habits which promote a more peaceful way of life.

Totes & Containers

To enhance your organizing experience, we also offer a range of totes and containers that are both functional and visually appealing. These carefully selected organizational tools will help you maintain a tidy and attractive space while making it easy to access your belongings. Reach out to us for more information on our organizing accessories and how they can further improve your home.

Ready to Transform Your Space?

Free Consultation
(208) 850-6800
Meridian, ID
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